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639 Records Found In Category Agricultural
  • Made of specific titanium/graphite combo fabric. Jigging Master’s New 2011 Evolution Titanium jigging rods are the evolution version of PowerSpell rods.  Evolution Titanium has more lasting elasticity because of it&rsqu...

  •  Model   Length (mm)   Weight (oz)   Type   Realiser Jr  72 1/2  Floating 
  • A big and deep diver lure. Produces rattle sound and independent action from its slight square body when retrieve.

     Model   Length (mm)   Weight (g)   Kick Backer DC-300  79.5 ...
  • A big and deep diver lure. Produces rattle sound and sharp action when retrieve.

     Model   Length (mm)   Weight (g)   Cascabel DC-400  85 27

  • Noisy Crank Bait. A smaller version of Buzzjet. It can perform 3 kinds of actions which is surface retrieve, walk dog and dive.

     Model   Length (mm)   Weight (g)   Buzzjet Jr  ...